Elvis: That's The Way It Is Takes UK Box Office No.1 Elvis: That's The Way It Is Takes UK Box Office No.1
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Elvis: That’s The Way It Is Takes UK Box Office No.1

Aug. 18, 2020

< 1 minutes read

Via Music Week: “UK cinemas are finally back in business – and so is event cinema specialist Trafalgar Releasing. After the relaxing of coronavirus restrictions, the 50th anniversary, one-night-only release of Elvis: That’s The Way It Is shot to the No.1 spot at the UK box office.

The re-released classic 1970 documentary/concert film debuted in 260 UK cinemas on Thursday (August 13), taking over £94,000 in box office takings, making it No.1 for the day. According to Trafalgar, that also makes it the UK’s biggest popular music concert release of 2020.”

To read more, visit Music Week.

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