Niall Lewis Niall Lewis
Meet Trafalgar team

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Niall Lewis

Niall Lewis is the Freelance Designer at Trafalgar

"The other designer", also working on the array of print and digital assets for Trafalgar.

I am an autodidact – that’s why I use bigger words than I should. It's a classic sign.

Mark Leckey

Niall's story

I think I might have been subconsciously swayed towards the arts growing up in a family of creative professionals. The time came and  I choose to pursue a graphic design pathway at The University of East London and became both consumed by the subject and London’s offerings in regards to it.

I decided early after graduating to apply for a Postgraduate. Subsequent to a year of working (strangely including teaching the construction of an 80 meter Wind Turbine blade in Denmark(?)), I successfully applied to the Royal College of Art.

Having spent the year at the RCA I decided to dedicate fully to my freelance practise which is where my work with Trafalgar Releasing began.

If not working I’m catching up with friends over coffee, cycling or in search of a good exhibit.

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