| Sam Traquair
Meet Trafalgar team

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Sam Traquair

Sam Traquair is the Credit Controller at Trafalgar

My main focus has been to reduce the old debt and collect the companies current outstanding debts as quickly as possible, whilst building and maintaining good relationships with our clients.

My favourite movie quote:

Show me the money!

Jerry Maguire

Sam's story

I have always worked in finance since leaving school many years ago.

My previous role was Credit Controller at a music media company. I joined the Trafalgar Releasing team in October 2017.  I was thrilled to be offered the opportunity to work for a company that has great enthusiasm from all the staff.  Trafalgar is a great environment to work in, as there are always new and exciting upcoming projects.

This has been a challenging role, which has been made easier by working with a dedicated team.

Outside of work I am usually socialising with my family & friends.  Eating in nice restaurants with a good bottle of wine is always one of my favourite pastimes.

I have 2 teenage children who keep me pretty busy—mostly being their personal taxi service.

I have a love of Travel Cinema & Music and try to get out and about as much as possible.

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